
Here is a short summary of all the things on this website, except contacts.
If you want to know more about a certain activity,  you will find contact persons on the page ”Kontakta oss” in the upper right corner.


Midsummer in Sweden is a special event that is celebrated in a unique and fun way. Fyrisgillet, in cooperation with the museum of Uppland, every year arranges a very popular event at Disagården. We arrange dancing around the midsummer pole,  we play traditional music and those who want to can participate in traditional Swedish folk dancing.

Traditional costumes

Traditional folk costumes is an area of interest in our little community. In Sweden, the folk costumes have a considerable role and is equal to a formal costume, such as lon gal and tuxedo. It is a clothing that you often use at certain major events. But there is not only one folk costume, there is a lot of different ones that have its origin from different parts of Sweden. Some are more famous/used/seen than others but there are indeed many. Often you have and wear the specific costume from the place you come from, or your parents come from. But it is not illegal to wear another costume, it is only a custom.

Here at Fyrisgillet we have a few different costumes that one can rent. The prices are not all the same. It can vary between the different costumes and what you will be using it for.


One of the major things we do at Fyrisgillet is connected to Swedish folk dance. Folk dance is a very social activity where you can meet new people or have fun with your friends. Some types af dances can be quite grueling and works perfectly as a workout. The history behind folk dance can be simplified as follows. There are different types of dances, and they come from all over sweden and is often connected to a specific type of folk music. When people started to travel around more, the dances also spread and where danced not only in the original village, but all over sweden. So nowdays there are many different variants of the same types of dances just because of the different origins. So even if you think you know all swedish folk dances, there are probobly a different variant you havn’t tried yet.

Here at Fyrisgillet we both teach and do performances regarding folk dance. We have a few different dance groups for the different types of dancing, and all of them can be found under Dans och musik.

It is often very popular to book a performance to a event if there are people not from sweden, but intressed in the culture. If You want to do this, please contact our expedition for more information: Uppsala@folkdansringen.se


At Fyrisgillet we play traditional folk music. We have a group that plays songs from all over Sweden, but mainly those who has its origin around the province Uppland. Everyone who wants can join and play, if you have a instrument to play on. Just give the person in charge a heads up first. It is easiest to join if you own one of the more common instruments to play folk tunes on. Like the violin or a key harp. But it works just as well with flutes and guitars etc.


We at Fyrisgillet believes in the preservation of the old traditional types of handicraft. Therefor Fyrisgillet offers a few different courses in various areas of craftmanship. It can either be courses thats proceeding over an entire semester, or it could be smaller courses reaching over a weekend. Weaving, lace and wood work are a few examples that can be learned.

Go to the page ”Slöjd” to see a few examples/pictures of what can be made and learned.